Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

The Customer herby consents to Culture Nation Hostel ( collecting of the Customers personal data such as name, surname, email address, customer number, address, contact information and IP number.

The personal data is used by Culture Nation Hostel ( for the performance of the Contract and for marketing and as a basis for statistics and for Culture Nation Hostel product development. Culture Nation Hostel has the right to share your personal data with its partners for advertisement and promotion.

The personal data may be analysed and grouped for the selection, prioritization and planning of the marketing of Culture Nation Hostel, so-called profiling.

As a customer of Culture Nation Hostel, you agree to receive marketing information via mail, telephone, or e-mail and text messages, and other digital channels. Your personal data may be disclosed to all offices within the Culture Nation Hostel group.

Personal information is disclosed to Indian authorities only when it is required by law or official order.